Hench Technology

Durable Software Solutions

R&D to CI/CD and everything in-between: we've got it covered

Platform Research & Development

Platform R&D

Platform is the heart of product; whether it's optimisation for your latest distributed cloud adventure, or custom real-time bare metal systems at hyperscale: we love delivering cost-effective, high performance solutions that cannot be found elsewhere.

Distributed Systems

Scale out to meet elastic demand with multi-region, HA systems that combine the best of Kubernetes with the latest advances in compute capabilities

Cyber Security

Leverage cutting-edge hardware isolation, virtualisation and open standards like FIDO2 to uplift your security posture to face 2024 and beyond

Site Reliability Engineering

Solving ops problems with software engineering: take your DevOps teams to the next level with IaC, observability, and reliability wins across the stack

Bare Metal

In extreme cases the OS is a barrier to greatness: UEFI-based solutions can bypass existing software limitations on your journey to the Moon

Zero Copy Networking

Line rate packet processing on commodity servers let you avoid exorbitant CDN fees and regain control over your users' end-to-end experience

Project Architecture

Accelerate time to market and avoid prolonged iterative cycles with a tech roadmap to success tuned to modern metholodogies and tooling

Reproducible Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery

Driving billions in revenue across millions of products the software supply chain is the foundation of digital product & infrastructure everywhere. Secure organisations rely on reproducible CI/CD tooling to stay ahead of supply chain attacks, boost cross-functional productivity, and reduce the lifetime maintenance burden of their products. By ensuring binary provenance we can help reinforce your cyber security strategy to safeguard against some of deepest risks that threaten key systems globally.

Reproducible CI/CD